Land Use, Housing, Neighborhoods, and Design Draft Goal 3:

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Land Use, Housing, Neighborhoods and Design Draft Goal 3: Recognize the importance of historic and archaeological resources in the built environment.

a. Respect historic character of neighborhoods/districts 

b. Promote the development of form-based codes in [historic] areas 

c. Balance the importance of historic preservation with infill development 

d. Integrate historical and cultural design elements into development 

e. Promote adaptive reuse to preserve historic structures 

f. Emphasize local people and cultures to enhance the sense of place 

g. Include indigenous voices in development 

h. Preserve archeological sites

Please offer any feedback you have. In particular the Plan Tucson Team would like to know:

  • Is anything missing?
  • What is essential?
  • What else would you like to share?  

When providing comments in the public forum please help inform the comment by placing missing, essential, or what else prior to the comment. This allows for clearer interpretation of the comment. Also, please be respectful and considerate of others opinions. 

Example: "missing - Expand economic ties with Mexico."

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