Land Use, Housing, Neighborhoods, and Design Draft Goal 1:

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Land Use, Housing, Neighborhoods and Design Draft Goal 1: Expand affordable and accessible housing options for all.

a. Incentivize the development of housing options for all ages, incomes, and abilities.

b. Promote mixed-income developments with varied levels of density

c. Increase workforce housing supply

d. Reduce housing insecurity

e. Increase neighborhood stability 

f. Recognize and address gentrification 

g. Increase housing with access to multi-modal transportation options

h. Increase housing with equitable access to goods, services, green space, and Parks & Recreation facilities

j. Support the development of energy efficient housing

k. Repurpose vacant buildings to meet the current needs of community 

l. Increase access to shelter housing options with wrap around services

Please offer any feedback you have. In particular the Plan Tucson Team would like to know:

  • Is anything missing?
  • What is essential?
  • What else would you like to share?  

When providing comments in the public forum please help inform the comment by placing missing, essential, or what else prior to the comment. This allows for clearer interpretation of the comment. Also, please be respectful and considerate of others opinions. 

Example: "missing - Expand economic ties with Mexico."

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