Plan With Us
Community Engagement Program
The Community Engagement Program (CEP), approved and adopted by Mayor and Council on November 14, 2022, guides the Planning Teams’ commitment to helping members of the community:
- Be informed and educated about the preparation, content, and use of the 2013 General Plan and the General Plan Update
- Contribute their thoughts and ideas about where the city has been, where it should go, and how it should get there
- Reaffirm and build on community engagement outcomes of recent planning efforts
- Understand how their thoughts and ideas will be used in the drafting of the General Plan Update
Explore this page to find out how you can join us and plan with us! Come back often, as there will be new opportunities to plan with us.
After all, it’s your plan, Tucson!
Plan Tucson relies on your involvement. The Planning Team aims to support community involvement by committing to a clear approach that builds trust, diversity, and unity. To meet this goal, the following Guiding Principles inform the Planning Team’s approach to public outreach:Everyone is Welcome: Receive every view, voice, and experience of our community with respect.
Center Equity: Purposefully and respectfully seek, value, and uplift historically underrepresented voices.
Build Up and Collaborate: Incorporate recent planning outcomes into the update to reflect current priorities.
Foster Authentic Participation: Provide community members with ample meaningful opportunities to be involved.
Prioritize Safety and Accessibility: Ensure a range of locations, times, methods, and languages are available.
You can find more information about these guiding principles on page six of the Community Engagement Program.